How to Use a Weighted Blanket

Hi everyone!


Jonathan here, DORMU's resident sleep expert!


I thought it would be helpful if I shared some of my tips and tricks so you can get the most fulfilling experience with your DORMU Weighted Blanket.


Over the past few years we've done more tests and in-depth research than you can imagine, paving the way for you to reap the benefits. Here's what we've discovered so far...


People who have the most success with their DORMU Weighted Blanket use it in one of three different ways.



1. Sleeping with a weighted blanket


Lots of people use their DORMU Weighted Blanket to reduce movement during sleep. Reducing tossing and turning can help them fall asleep faster and wake up feeling more rested.


Sleeping with our weighted blankets is the most common use, but it’s not necessarily for everybody. A lot of people prefer lighter bedding for sleep and use their weighted blanket for short naps or for wrapping up and chilling out in front of the TV.


Some people enjoy sharing a blanket with their partner (the Double/King Weighted Blanket is the one for you). Others prefer it all to themselves (the Single Blanket is a single-sleeper thing, that’s simply how it works best). But of course, everyone's needs vary and some single sleepers love enjoying a King all to themselves!



2. Weighted blankets to calm and centre


Another great way to use your DORMU Weighted Blanket is after a long, tiring day. If you are like me, you like to read or unwind and watch a little TV before beginning your bedtime routine. When I curl up on the sofa I envelope myself with my weighted blanket, I find it really helps to slow down my mind and my heart rate.


This is because the evenly distributed weight triggers the release of the happy hormone (serotonin) and the sleep hormone (melatonin) whilst simultaneously lowering the stress hormone (cortisol). Then, once I'm relaxed and ready for bed, I can substitute my DORMU Weighted Blanket for my regular duvet and I'm off to dreamland.



3. Using a weighted blanket like a big hug


Did you know that additional weight acts as an answer to the questions that your brain is constantly asking - about where your body and your limbs are.


Sounds strange doesn't it? But you may have experienced it in multiple ways:

🤗 when hugging someone

☁️ when holding a pillow while watching TV

💆🏽‍♀️ being tightly wrapped in towels at the spa during a massage

😍 when using a DORMU Weighted Blanket



We would all love a simple plug and play solution to get the best sleep possible, but the truth is we’re all built and wired differently.


That’s why your DORMU Weighted Blanket might not work for you immediately. With any change, our body needs time to adapt and allow itself to get comfortable and accustomed when a new sensation is introduced.


It may take a few weeks… but it can still work. Patience is a virtue that pays off exponentially.



I know this because I’ve spoken to hundreds (and hundreds) of our customers after they have used our products.


On more than one occasion, a customer has reported their blanket being ineffective in improving their sleep and said they found it uncomfortable.


Yet when they persevered with the weighted blanket, and allowed their bodies to get used to the extra weight and added pressure, they were blown away by the results.


And don’t just take my word for it — this is a real quote from a DORMU customer:



If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to to get in touch with a member of our team via and we can help you get the best use out of your new weighted blanket!

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