How to Fall Asleep Faster

The importance of sleep to the body cannot be overemphasised. Several studies have proven that our health is greatly improved by quality sleep. However, not everybody finds it easy to fall asleep quickly or even at all.


The effects of this will include insufficient sleep, which has an adverse impact on an individual. Therefore, we have gathered a list of tips that can get you to dreamland as quickly as possible.



Tips to Make You Fall Asleep Fast


- Reduce the Temperature

One thing that happens when we lie down to sleep is that the body temperature drops. Therefore, if your room is too warm, falling asleep may be difficult. A simple setting of your thermostat to a cooler temperature could be all you need to fall asleep more quickly. The appropriate temperature is usually based on individual preference, although anything between 60–67°F(15.6–19.4°C) should help.


Another way to get your body temperature into the sleep zone is by taking a bath before bed. A study found that taking a shower or a hot bath before bed helps enhance both sleep quality and sleep efficiency. Notwithstanding the length of the shower or bath, people who do either, especially at temperatures between 40.0°C–42.5°C (104°F–108.5°F), experienced improvements in their sleep.


- Do Physical Exercises

It has been proven that exercise can affect the quality and duration of your sleep. This is because physical activity helps to boost the production of serotonin in your brain while at the same time diminishing the levels of cortisol, which is your stress hormone. The implication of this is that your body is in the state that engineers sleep. However, it is essential to note that excessive exercising will make this entire plan fall short, as studies have linked this to poor sleep.



- Journal Before Bed

One primary reason some people find it difficult to fall asleep is that their minds and thoughts are running all over the place. Research has proven that this state produces anxiety and stress, thereby destroying the chances of a quick sleep, not to talk of the invasion of negative emotions that it could cause.


One way to deal with this is through journaling, especially when the focus of such writing is the positive thoughts and events throughout the day. By writing down the positive events that have occurred during the day - or may occur - one can experience more gratitude and happiness, alleviate stressful situations, and relax before bed.


An experiment involving 41 college students showed that journaling reduced bedtime worry and stress, improved sleep duration, and enhanced sleep quality. Make a habit of spending 15 minutes describing your day every night. Remember to focus on the positives, both in terms of events and emotions.


Another kind of writing can be a to-do list, especially where the thoughts keeping you awake are thoughts on how the next day or week will run. A study found that writing a to-do list, even for as little as five minutes, was effective in helping young adults fall asleep faster.


- You Are Going to Have to Part with Your Devices

Now, this might be the hard part, especially for young people. We are now used to surfing the net or chatting online before we go to bed. However, if falling asleep faster is on your list of things to achieve, then that habit will have to stop. Many devices radiate a blue light that simulates sunlight, and although it can be helpful when you're getting ready for the day, it can be an hindrance to your sleep at night.


For those who cannot part with their devices for an hour before bed, you have the option of restricting their use. For example, you can listen to music, an audiobook, or a podcast to reduce screen time before bedtime.



- Let Your Imagination Dream First

You can get your body to fall asleep faster by visualisation. For example, instead of lying in bed, worrying about things that stress you out, visualise a peaceful place that makes you feel happy. And soon you will be asleep.


A study of insomnia patients found that they fell asleep faster when instructed to use an imagery distraction. The technique helped them occupy their minds with good thoughts rather than holding on to the worries and concerns of their lives.


- Develop a Routine Before Going to Bed

Consistency with your bedtime routine can help you manage your body clock so you know when you should retire for the night. What matters most is that your bedtime ritual works for you - whether it be playing a pre-bedtime music playlist or taking a nightly bath. Creating a bedtime routine tailored to your personal needs is critical. It is impossible to create a bedtime routine that works for everyone, but relying on a simple nightly ritual can benefit your body.


Ever Heard of the 4-7-8 Method? It Works!

This method utilises a traditional yoga technique known as Pranayama. Anxiety can be eased by this method, which will tranquillise you. Counting is used as a distraction from the feelings of anxiety in the 4-7-8 technique. Here's how you can get more sleep with the 4-7-8 method:


  • Let your tongue rest on the roof of your mouth as you lie down in bed.
  • Breathe out slowly and thoroughly through your mouth, allowing all of your lungs to be emptied.
  • Breathe deeply for four seconds, hold it for seven seconds, and then exhale for eight seconds.
  • Ensure you repeat this process at least four times, and you’re well on your way to falling asleep fast



One Last Tip

Another way to ensure you fall asleep fast is to ensure you’re comfortable. The right bedding and blankets can be the difference between a perfect night's rest and a sleepless night. Ensure you get the best materials that have been made to deliver the perfect night’s sleep.


An excellent example of such bedding material is our Cooler Weighted Blanket. This blanket was made to give you your best sleep and most comfortable sleep.

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