14 Interesting Facts About Sleep

Sleep accounts for about a third of our lives. Therefore, it is only wise that we fully understand what exactly happens in the world of sleep. Interestingly, most of what we now know about sleep came to our knowledge only in the past 25 years.

Nonetheless, we seem to have made up for it. Every day, scientists and researchers worldwide discover new things about sleep that we could never have imagined. We've compiled a list of 14 interesting facts about sleep that may surprise you.

1. Humans are the only mammals that can delay sleep

Many times, you have kept yourself from sleeping due to a movie or a deadline. This ability, however, is only available to us. Even when our bodies tells us to sleep, we can choose to remain awake. However, other mammals must sleep as soon as they feel they need it.


2. Our sense of smell diminishes when we're asleep

Research has shown that sound wakes us during sleep, whereas smells don't. This is why smoke alarms were invented.


3. That feeling that you are falling while you are asleep, which causes you to jerk awake, is called "hypnic jerk."

Hypnic jerks are generally considered to be healthy. However, no one is quite certain why they occur. Nevertheless, they can be exacerbated by anxiety, caffeine, or physical activity at night. In addition, we experience them more often when we're young and less frequently as we age.


4. Sleep improves immunity

For your immune system to be in the best form during flu season, sleep between 7 and 8 hours each night.

5. It only takes 5 minutes for 50% of your dreams to be forgotten once you wake up

A further five minutes passed, and 90% of recollection is gone. The reason for this, according to Freud, is that dreams are thought of as repressed thoughts, and our brain wants to shed them as quickly as possible. In reality, this is much more likely caused by our brains being very occupied when we wake up, so we forget much of what we had dreamed about.


6. To fall asleep, it should take between 10 and 15 minutes

You need at least this much time to fall asleep. If you are falling asleep in five minutes or less, you likely suffer from sleep deprivation.


7. When you can't sleep, get up

If you cannot fall asleep more than 20 minutes after getting into bed, sleep experts recommend getting out of bed.

It's better to get up, do something relaxing in a dark and quiet place (without using your phone or other electronic devices) before trying to go back to sleep instead of tossing and turning in bed. Experts suggest taking this approach because you need to associate your bed with sleep.

While struggling to sleep, remaining in bed may do precisely the opposite, causing you to associate your bed with frustration.


8. A nap does not make up for a lack of quality rest

Taking a quick nap can rejuvenate you, but it isn't meant to replace sound sleep at night since it does not involve moving through the same stages as when you sleep at night.

Sleep-deprived people may find themselves attempting to catch up on sleep by taking naps, but this can further disrupt a person's sleep schedule by precluding them from falling asleep at a regular bedtime.

A long snooze can also make you awake groggy and disoriented. Although napping isn't necessarily a bad thing, trying to compensate for sleep deprivation by taking naps isn't going to work.


9. It matters what time you sleep

Numerous studies demonstrate that the timing of sleep matters and that it's best to sleep as much as you can during the dark hours. This is because the body's circadian rhythm, or internal clock, is synchronised with its environment by sleeping at night.

Sleep quality and psychological well-being are impacted by optimal circadian timing, as well as cardiovascular function, metabolism, and other factors that affect overall health.


10. Your Brain Remains Active During Sleep

Even while we sleep, our brains remain active. Different sleep stages affect the brain's activity patterns. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep causes the brain to activate at a level similar to when you are awake.

As opposed to shutting down, brain activity changes during sleep are considered part of what makes rest necessary for effective reasoning, memory, and emotional system operation.


11. No one sleeps all night

All of us wake up during the night, often without even thinking about it, whether it's from being too hot or cold, movement from a partner, children, or noise from the streets.

But, according to The Sleep Council, waking throughout the night is nothing to worry about. We go through several stages during sleep, which are punctuated with brief awakenings.


12. Having a new bed can improve your sleep

According to The Sleep Council, you can gain an extra 42 minutes of sleep when you switch to a new bed.


13. Dreams can be black and white for some of us

Approximately 12% of people dream in black and white today, according to studies. This may surprise some, but this figure was closer to 75% before colour television.


14. It is best to sleep without the lights on

Even when you are sleeping with your eyes closed, low light can increase the risk of waking up and negatively affect your circadian rhythm.

Sleeping in a room with too much light may also result in eye strain and contribute to significant weight gain. The darkest bedroom you can find is best for promoting better sleep and a more stable circadian rhythm.


Let Us Help You Get Better Sleep

A good sleep pattern can be promoted by beddings and materials that are designed to make sleeping convenient. An example of such is our Cooling Bamboo Bedding Set.

Thanks to the highest quality materials used in its construction, it is designed to be silky smooth and provide a refreshing night's rest.

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