11 Bedtime Routines to Help You Get Better Sleep

The importance of quality sleep to the proper functioning of the body cannot be overstated. Good sleep helps you think better, recover from stress, and improve overall productivity.


As a result, you should ensure you fully utilise your sleep time. One way to do this is to have a bedtime routine. Your bedtime routine is a collection of actions you perform every night before you go to bed.


Bedtime routines can vary but often include activities that will calm you down. We have compiled some routines to help you have deeper and richer sleep. Here are they:


1. Let go of your electronic appliances

Many are guilty of scrolling through Instagram or binge-watching Netflix shows just before bed. And while this might seem to be a way of relaxing, science proves otherwise.


Electric devices emit a strong blue light that floods your brain and makes it believe that it is still daytime. This suppresses melatonin production and makes you stay awake.


If you want to sleep longer and deeper, stay away from electronic devices before bed, and limit their use in the evening, in general. You also don’t want to pick up the phone during or after your other routines, as it can disrupt the entire process.


2. Journal

Yes, when you journal and write down the thoughts that fill your mind, you find that you feel more relaxed and more able to sleep. Journaling also helps to deal with anxiety, another condition that limits good sleep. You should, however, note that journaling will not be enough to cure severe anxiety and chronic stress.


3. Meditate

Mindfulness meditation helps you manage your thoughts and emotions. The implication is that you find it easier to fall asleep and put away the stressful thoughts that prevent easily falling asleep.


To meditate, close your eyes while concentrating on your thoughts and feelings. You can also meditate by deep breathing or visualisation. Phone apps and YouTube offer guided meditation exercises for free.


4. Play some music

Calming and soothing sounds put you in the right mood and atmosphere for sleep. What this kind of music does is that it triggers hormones that calm your nerves and give you a sense of peace.


But, of course, the music you play mustn't be an upbeat, energised one that may make sleep even more difficult. Many streaming platforms have playlists of calming music that will help you fall asleep.


5. Have sex

The results of research and studies continue to suggest a relationship between sex before bed and quality sleep.


For example, according to a 2017 research study, over 60 percent of the 282 adults who participated said their sleep had improved after they had an orgasm. This relationship may boil down to the Oxytocins released during sex which promote a sense of well-being and relaxation.


Interestingly, cuddling, kissing, and solo sex may also have the same effect. Therefore, all aid sleep.


6. Have a fixed bedtime

When you have a consistent sleep routine, you train your brain to shut down when that time approaches, therefore, ensuring quick sleep. You can now arrange all your bedtime routines around this time. They can all fall 30-60 minutes before you have fixed for bed.


7. Muscle Relaxation

Another option is to use progressive muscle relaxation exercises that put your body in sleep mode. To test this technique, follow the following steps:


- First, tense one group of muscles in a slow, controlled manner.

- Hold the tension for 5 seconds, then exhale slowly to release.

- Take 10 seconds to relax.

- Proceed to the next group of muscles.

- Same process for all the muscle groups


Apart from its sleep benefits, progressive muscle relaxation also relieves pain.


8. Have a warm bath

A warm bath will get your body in sleep mode because it mimics a process that is a part of your sleep-wake cycle.


As part of the sleep-wake cycle, your body produces melatonin and cools down in the evening. This combination works together to induce sleepiness. When you take a warm bath, your body heats up and then cools down rapidly as the water leaves the body. This generally makes you feel tired and induces sleep.


9. Read

You can add reading to your bedtime routine, and the more consistent you are with it, the more your brain interprets it as a sign that sleep is close. However, try to stay away from genres that excite you. You may go further and pick a particularly boring read.


10. Create a to-do list

The list is for the next day. Take five minutes before bed to plan the next day. What this does is that it removes the pressure of thinking for the next day when you get into bed. It also leaves you feeling more relaxed and peaceful.


11. Prepare your bedroom

Another important routine is to ensure that your room supports conducive sleep. Take the time to make sure the room is cool, quiet, dark, and at a temperature that allows for sleep.


Put away any noisy electronics. Lower your curtains and dim the lights. Get rid of clutter. Make your favourite scent a part of the room. Also, ensure that you get the best bedding and sleep materials to provide convenience and comfort.


Wrapping things up

Effective bedtime rituals can be the difference between poor sleep and great sleep. They help create a predictable and efficient sleep cycle and guarantee that you have all the stages of sleep that you need.


In creating your bedtime routine, getting the perfect sleep materials may prove a difficulty. However, we have you covered. We have sleep materials, such as our Cooling Bamboo Bedding Set, designed to make your sleep rich and deep.

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