Sleep is important to the proper functioning of your body. Scientific research has pointed out that sleep powers the mind, restores the body, and fortifies virtually every system in the body. Therefore, a night without sleep can affect everything about your day, from your productivity to your mood.
However, your body is not only affected by sleepless nights; it is also affected by not getting the required sleep hours. Therefore, your most important question should be “how much sleep do I need?”
Sleep Recommendations for Each Age-Grade
Interestingly, the answer to this all-important question depends on your age. Experts have recommended different numbers of sleeping hours for various age grades. The various sleep time recommended for the varying age grades are:
- Newborns: They need 14 to 17 hours of sleep time. Newborns are children aged 0 to 3 months.
- Infants: They need 12 to 15 hours of sleep time. Infants are those aged 4 to 11 months.
- Toddlers: They need 11 to 14 hours of sleep time. These are aged from 1 to 2 years.
- Preschoolers: They need 10 to 13 hours of sleep time. Preschoolers are those aged from 3 to 5 years.
- School-age (Pre-teenagers): They need 9 to 11 hours of sleep. This category is aged from 6 to 13 years.
- Teenagers: They need 8 to 10 hours of sleep, and they are aged from 14 to 17 years.
- Young adults: They need 7 to 9 hours of sleep. This category is aged from 18 to 25 years.
- Adults: This category needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep, and they are aged from 26 to 64 years.
- Older adults: They need 7 to 8 hours of sleep, and they are aged 65 years and above.

It is essential to note that these hours are averages for this age groups. Nonetheless, unique cases may arise in individuals, taking them outside the time recommended for their age grades. This means you should be fully aware of all that concerns your health as you determine how much sleep you need.
Some questions have been recommended to help in your personal sleep requirements assessment, and they include:
- Do you have a high risk of contracting any particular disease?
- Do you expend high energy during the day? Is your work labor demanding, or do you play sports?
- What is your schedule like? Do you drive daily? Do you handle heavy machinery? Do you require high alertness to perform daily tasks?
- Have you ever had issues with sleep, such as sleep deprivation?
What Are the Signs That You Are Getting Enough Sleep?
1. You don't need a caffeine boost
Most of us depend on caffeine to help us through the day. If you want to get through your workday, you probably drink several cups of coffee or drink other caffeine-containing beverages. Therefore, there's a good chance of you getting enough sleep if you find yourself surviving the afternoon without a cup of coffee.
2. Your weight remains in check
Experts at the National Sleep Foundation have stated that People who sleep less are more likely to gain weight over time. As a result, if your weight remains in check despite an imperfect diet and your inactivity at the gym, it could be because you're getting enough sleep. A person getting enough sleep will have normal hormone production, feel full, and have a steady appetite.
3. Your mood is positive
Your sleeping duration affects your mood. Sleep deprivation can have a tangible impact on your mood, and so can getting enough sleep. Sleep Health Foundation mentions that a good night's sleep may lead to less depression, reduced anxiety, less stress, increased motivation, and a lower likelihood of experiencing extreme reactions to unpleasant events. So, if you find yourself enjoying sunny mornings and an overall good mood, you can guess that your body got the sleep it needs.
4. You get up without the alarm
One sign that your body has gotten the sleep that it needs is waking up on your own before the alarm with no terrible feeling.
5. Your cravings for junk food is in check
Experts have discovered we crave more sugar and carbohydrates when we are tired to help us get in the game. We are also generally hungrier when we’re tired. Therefore, if you find that your appetite for junk and sugar is reduced, it could mean that you are well-rested.
Some Tips to Help Improve Your Sleep
Seeing the importance of sleep to your body, it is essential that you prioritise sleep. To prioritise sleep means planning the number of hours needed to avoid sacrificing sleep for work or social activities.
Shortening your sleep may seem appealing at the moment, but it doesn't pay off since sleep is necessary for you to function physically and mentally. As you prioritise sleep, here are some recommendations to help improve your sleep:
- During the hours before bed, avoid consuming caffeine and alcohol.
- Turn off your cell phone and laptop for an hour or more before going to bed.
- To help you relax before bed, perform a soothing pre-bed routine.
- Keeping the same sleep schedule every day, including weekends.
- Keeping a cool and comfortable bedroom by minimising the impact of light and sound.
- Quality pillows and bedding should be selected, along with a supportive and comfortable mattress.
We Can Be of Help
The steps you take to prioritise and ensure quality sleep will determine if you get the sleep time your body needs and all the benefits that come along. One such step is selecting bedding, mattresses, and blankets that are comfortable and help your body relax.
Among our Luxury Beddings, we offer a Cooling Bamboo Bedding Set that provides just that. Thanks to the highest quality materials used in its construction, it is designed to be silky-smooth and to end hot and sticky nights.